Making Pet Insurance Easy with Maya Insurance

Project Overview
The level 3 challenge of the Product Design Super League competition was to design a website for a pet insurance company.
Research, ideation, wireframing, hi-fidelity prototyping, usability testing

The Challenge

Maya Insurance is a pet insurance startup. The company offers health insurance to domesticated dogs and cats. Our task was to design the onboarding flow for a pet owner who wants to get insurance for their pet. The onboarding flow needed be designed for a desktop/website and required the following information to be captured:

The Situation

The Product Design Super League is a 5-week project-based learning competition put forth by Light Hall, a live-streaming education platform. Each Monday a new challenge was given to teams that advanced, and each Friday the challenge for that week was due. I led a team to complete this challenge (Level 3) which ultimately advanced us to the fourth round.


This task gave us some parameters to work within which made the main focus how could we design the onboarding screens to provide the best user experience possible? I started by looking at other insurance companies and how they structured their website and onboarding screens.

Competitor Benchmarking

I noticed that most of the companies kept their onboarding screens clear and simple. Fetch does a great job including visuals and drop-down menus for the user, and I was impressed by the "add pet" option Pets Plus Us provided as well as their inclusion of a progress bar for the user.

Onboarding Screens

We creating 3 onboarding screens to help the user understand the purpose of the app. We strived to keep the onboarding screens clear and useful.

Drop-down lists

We included scrollable drop-down fields for breed and weight so that users could easily select the option that suited their dog or cat best. The user would be able to select from three "mixed breed" options or a list of pure breed options. The mixed breed options state what weight qualifies as "small", "medium", and "large". If the user selected a mixed breed option, they would not need to select a weight option.

First Screen

  • This page covers basic information about the pet. Owners can select either dog/cat and female/male.
  • There are drop-down menus for breed and weight and a calendar option for selecting date of birth.
  • Since some owners may not know their pets exact birthday especially if they were rescued or adopted, therefore, I added an asterisk indicating that they could use their best guess.

Second screen

  • This screen holds the pet's health history information. By categorizing the pages, the user if better able to follow along with the onboarding process
  • We understand the pet may have had multiple surgeries or take multiple medications. Therefore, if the owner selects, "yes" for either of these options, a "plus" icon appears- allowing another procedure/medication to be added
  • We used radio buttons because the owner should only be able to select one answer for all three of these questions

Final screen

  • The final screen consists of questions about the owner themselves
  • The input fields have a default text to show the user the format of the information required
  • The CTA button reads, "Get quote" to emphasize that this is the last step before the owner will receive an price estimate
