Hello 👋

Nice to meet you.

My name is Palima and I'm a UX/UI designer, pharmacist and interaction design student.
A little bit about me.
🔬 In 2020 I graduated with a degree in Pharmacy and as I started to work in healthcare I noticed gaps and flaws within the industry. I would often think to myself how many of the problems I saw could be solved by technology.
💻 In 2021 started learning about UX/UI design, and I soon became aware of ability of technology to transform the world. Technology is limitless and ever-evolving which makes UX/UI so exciting. I would describe myself as being both creative and analytical, and so product design was the perfect fit!
💭 In the last 2 years I have: graduated from a product design bootcamp, done freelance graphic design, become a finalist in a product design competition, and worked as a product designer for an AI tech start-up! My goal as a product designer is to improve people's lives- no matter how big or small!
💼 I'm grateful to have had a variety of jobs in the past. A few of my favourites have been working as a camp counselor for people with varying physical and intellectual disabilities, a guitar teacher and a clinical laboratory instructor! In my free time I like to design (ofc!), play with my dog, take BJJ lessons, read, play guitar and bake!

Let's chat!